September 10, 2015
This year, the Katharine McLennan Award will be presented to Mr. Ronald Caplan.
For decades, Ronald Caplan has played an important role in supporting and promoting Cape Breton’s heritage and culture. As writer, interviewer, and editor of Cape Bretons’ Magazine, Ron worked tirelessly to collect and share the stories of this Island, and later agreed to make all issues available online at no cost, to the benefit of countless students and researchers. Through his work as publisher for Breton Books, he has supported the publication of many books that feature Cape Breton content, and offers support to writers and locally published works through his role as volunteer editor and manager of the annual Cape Breton Books Catalogue. Additionally, Ron has made considerable contributions through his role as a Trustee for the Public Archives of Nova Scotia, and his work as a member of the Task Force on the Growth of the Arts & Culture Sector of the Cape Breton Growth Fund, the Nova Scotia Heritage Task Force, and the Committee for a New Library in Sydney, NS. We are proud that Ron will be the recipient of the 2015 Katharine McLennan Award, in recognition of his exemplary contributions to preserving Cape Breton’s heritage and culture for generations to come.
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